[Pw_forum] Phonon crash
Miguel Martínez Canales
wmbmacam at lg.ehu.es
Wed Mar 14 10:54:55 CET 2007
Dear fellows,
I have found that, when running a phonon calculation under certain
conditions, it crashes. More concretely, on fcc systems (I haven't checked
diamond structures) if the scf run uses a 20 20 20 monkhorst-pack grid and
the phonon calculation uses ldisp=.true. for a 8*8*8 regular grid the
phonon run will crash at dyn23 (q = 0.625 -0.375 0.875). The last lines of
the phonon output are:
Calculation of q = 0.6250 -0.3750 0.8750
from set_kplusq : error # 32000
too many k points
stopping ...
It really puzzles me that it stops on the 23rd point, and not sooner. Maybe
it's related to the star of q?
If I specify this point by hand, doing a nscf run and then a phonon run at
that qpoint, it will also crash. It depends neither on the lattice
parametre, nor the the pseudpotential (I've done it with Na LDA, Li LDA and
Li PBE). It won't crash if I reduce the k-point grid, and it won't crash
with the same grid on a bcc lattice.
I am using espresso-3.2.1 plus the patch that Paolo submitted to make
-npool work with ph.x. It's been compiled with ifort 8.1 and mkl 9.0 in an
itanium 2 machine. Any ideas?
Thanks for your comments,
In case the input is relevant, I attach it:
# self-consistent calculation
cat > na.scf.in << EOF
tstress = .true.
tprnfor = .true.
pseudo_dir = '$PSEUDO_DIR/',
ibrav= 2, celldm(1) = $alat , nat= 1, ntyp= 1,
ecutwfc = 30.0
occupations='smearing', smearing='m-p', degauss= 0.010
conv_thr = 1.0d-8
mixing_beta = 0.7
Na 22.989768 Na.pz-n-vbc.UPF
Na 0.00 0.00 0.00
K_POINTS {automatic}
20 20 20 1 1 1
$ECHO " running the scf calculation...\c"
$PW_COMMAND < na.scf.in > na.scf.out
$ECHO " done"
# phonon calculation
cat > na.ph.in << EOF
phonons of Na
nq1=8, nq2=8, nq3=8
$ECHO " running the phonon calculation ...\c"
$PH_COMMAND < na.ph.in > na.ph.out
$ECHO " done"
Miguel Martínez Canales
Dto. Física de la Materia Condensada
Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología
Apdo. 644
48080 Bilbao (Spain)
Fax: +34 94 601 3500
Tlf: +34 94 601 5437
"If you have an apple and I have an apple and
we exchange these apples then you and I will
still each have one apple. But if you have an
idea and I have an idea and we exchange these
ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."
George Bernard Shaw
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