[Pw_forum] On Workfunction
Hande Ustunel
hande at newton.physics.metu.edu.tr
Wed Jul 18 07:42:56 CEST 2007
Dear Clark,
They usually match pretty well. Two things you should be careful about :
1) Make sure your plane-averaged potential is converged well enough in
the vacuum region
2) Units. The Fermi energy is reported in the output in eV whereas the
potential values are in Ryd unless I'm mistaken.
Best wishes,
On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Clark Lee wrote:
> Dear all,
> calculations of STM maps can also give a value of workfunction. But I
> noticed that it is substantially different from a result using the
> conventional method which is related to the subtraction of Fermi energy from
> a potential. My question in which one is reasonable?
Hande Ustunel
Department of Physics
Office 439
Middle East Technical University
Ankara 06531, Turkey
Tel : +90 312 210 3264
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