[Pw_forum] modified explicit exchange potential

Helen helen at fh.huji.ac.il
Mon Jul 9 13:31:51 CEST 2007

Thank you Paolo and Lorenzo to the replies to my previous e-mail. I think I didn't explain what I wanted to modify clearly enough. We modify the explicit exchange to include a descreened potential:
K_x[n]=-0.25 Int[ P[n](r,r')^2 * u(r-r') ] d3r d3r' 
where P[n](r,r') is the density matrix of non-interacting particles and u(r-r') is the descreened interaction (normally the coulomb interaction u(r)=1/r, but in our case a different function).

Which files do I need to change for the modified K_x and its potential? Is it exx.f90 in PW? These explicit exchanges are also used in Hartree-Fock and B3LYP calculations.

Thank you for your help,
Helen Eisenberg
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