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Tue Jul 10 14:20:16 CEST 2007

tefield        LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
               If .TRUE. a sawlike potential is added to the
               bare ionic potential.

iedir           INTEGER
               1, 2 or 3. Used only if tefield is .TRUE.. The direction
of the
               electric field is parallel to the bg(:,edir) reciprocal
               lattice vector ( So the potential is constant in planes
               defined by the mesh points )
emaxpos        REAL ( default = 0.5D0 ) 
               Position of the maximum of the sawlike potential within
               unit cell ( 0 < emaxpos < 1 )
eopreg         REAL( default = 0.1D0 )
               Part of the unit cell where the sawlike potential
               ( 0 < eopreg < 1 )
eamp           REAL ( default = 0.001 a.u. )
               Amplitude of the electric field (in a.u.) 
               ( 1 a.u. = 51.44 10^10 V/m )

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