[Pw_forum] Re: Why does pw.x think that I have 76 k-points?

Brad Malone brad.malone at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 20:54:58 CEST 2007


I tried setting celldm(1)=1 and I still received 76 k-points, but thanks for
the suggestion.


Sorry, I should have been more specific when I mentioned "last time".  The
last time was on a different crystal structure, so I obviously can't compare
lattice vectors, atomic positions, and whatnot.  I just mentioned it because
I believe the other syntax is correct since it was left unchanged.  I think
my lattice vectors and atomic positions are correct because when I run
pw2wannier.x everything checks except I get an error because in my wannier
calculation I have 64 k-points but for the pwSCF run I have this strange
thing with 76 k-points, so the pw2wannier calculation fails.  But
regardless, I still don't understand if in my input file I specify 64
k-points that my output file can have 76 k-points.  I wouldn't think this
would happen even if I had completely wrong lattice vectors, atomic
positions, etc.

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