[Pw_forum] Re: Xcrysden error

Eduardo Ariel Menendez P emenendez at macul.ciencias.uchile.cl
Sat Apr 14 11:34:04 CEST 2007

Hi Tone,

I have just found that the computers at ICTP have defined the decimal
point as ',' instead of '.'. This may affect numerical operations.

In the case of the example CH3Rh111, I did
pwo2xsf.sh -ic CH3Rh111.out > CH3Rh111.xsf

Examining de file CH3Rh111.xsf I see this
   5,2917700000    0,0000000000    0,0000000000
   0,0000000000    0,0000000000    0,0000000000
   0,0000000000    0,0000000000   10,5835400000

They are numbers with decimal point ',' and the second lattice vector that
was (-.5000, .8660,.0000) in the .out file, is converted into (0,0,0)

I am afraid that I do not have control of the decimal point without root
priviledges (correct me if I can change it), and that I would have to
appeal to the UN Secratary to make the ICTP system manager to change this.
Is there any solution at the level of my local copy of xcrysden?


> Any kind of file-format is converted to XSF file. The xsf2xsf is some
> internal xcrysden's filter. Because the any-to-xsf conversion is always
> there, the xsf2xsf filter is always used. You have the problem with
> xsf2xsf (don't know why), so please try to see manually what is going
> on, i.e.:
> pwo2xsf.sh -lc my_pwscf_output_file.out > file.xsf
> $XCRYSDEN_TOPDIR/bin/xsf2xsf file.xsf output.xsf 3
> The first line converts pwscf output file to xsf file, and then you need
> to check what is going on with the xsf2xsf (2nd line).
> Regards, Tone

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