[Pw_forum] More pseudopotential troubles
Miguel Martínez Canales
wmbmacam at lg.ehu.es
Tue Oct 17 19:39:51 CEST 2006
Dear people,
I'm now doing things step by step, so that I don't crash into the deep
abyss of pseudopotentials, and I have found a new (for me) "error":
ns= 3 l= 1 sum= 0.000034911 r(ikk) 1.899836304
from gener_pseudo : info # -1
chi too large beyond r_c
plus two very long arrays of values
I'll later put the input used to get this. The thing is: when I run said
input, I don't get an error but neither do I get a pseudopotential.
Examining atomic/gener_pseudo.f90 one finds (line 167 onwards, espresso 3.1.1):
if (sum > 2.e-6_dp) then
write(6, '(5x,''ns='',i4,'' l='',i4, '' sum='',f15.9, &
& '' r(ikk) '',f15.9)') ns, lam, sum, r(ikk(ns))
call infomsg ('gener_pseudo ','chi too large beyond r_c', -1)
do n=ikk(ns),mesh
write(6,*) r(n),gi(n,1)
Seeing that it doesn't generate any pseudopotential, shouldn't it be "call
errore(...)"? Please excuse my ignorance if this is something obvious. The
input used to generate this was this:
beta = 0.2,
config='[Ar] 3d0 4s0 4p0',
nlcc =.true.,
3S 1 0 2.00 0.00 1.10 1.10
3P 2 1 6.00 0.00 1.30 1.60
3P 2 1 0.00 0.05 1.30 1.60
3D 3 2 0.00 0.00 1.80 1.80
I'd also be grateful is someone explained to me where the issue is or
pointed me to a reference, as searching the archives for "chi too large"
returns nothing useful. And changing rc's or rcutus' changes slightly the
value of "sum" but it isn't enough. The same with pseudization energy.
Thanks in advance,
PS: Removing the second reference energy for the p channel and changing
rcutus to 1.30 (thus generating a NC PP) does work... but the estimated
cutoff is 110 rydbergs, which is a tad too high for running a phonon
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