[Pw_forum] how to convert crystal description

sun jason jasonsun98 at hotmail.com
Tue May 30 11:55:06 CEST 2006

dear all,

I have a silly question about structure description conversion,

for example, the relaxation result is like this:
     Final estimate of lattice vectors (input alat units)
   3.711193881  -0.138643395  -0.133568528
  -0.138262060   3.711099663   0.133354920
  -0.131446546   0.131591848   3.713501399
  final unit-cell volume =    343.8141 (a.u.)^3
  input alat =       1.8897 (a.u.)

then how to calculate a, b, c, and alpha, beta, gamma, if I want to 
describe the structure ?
I didn't find it in the solid state physics textbook, please give me some 

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Jian SUN 
Physics Dept. of Nanjing University 
National Lab. of Solid State Microstructures 
22 Hankou Road, Gulou District 
Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 

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