[Pw_forum] Monkhorst Pack k points

Cyrille Barreteau cyrille.barreteau at cea.fr
Tue May 30 11:39:49 CEST 2006

Dear Pwscf users,

I am doing surface calculations with pw.x and I have a very simple
question concerning the automatic kpoints. I am generating the k points
by the following input:

K_POINTS automatic
n1 n2  1 0 0 0

According to the manuel the code is using MP k points but I am a bit 
surprised to find that
the Gamma= 0,0,0  point is always present in the k points list whatever the
parity of the integers n1 and n2. I was expecting to get the Gamma point 
when n1 and n2 are odd numbers (for example n1=n2=25).
But I also get the Gamma point when n1 and and n2 are even .

Is the code really using MP k points or another scheme?


Cyrille Barreteau


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