[Pw_forum] Re: Different Gamma factors for Q-points in the same star
Eyvaz Isaev
eyvaz_isaev at yahoo.com
Mon May 29 14:31:19 CEST 2006
> the results do not change if I increase the
> cutoff to 32 Ry and
> use a 6 6 6 MP grid.
Actually 25 Ry should be enough. I think there is not
too much difference between 4x4x4 and 6x6x6 k-grid (8,
and 16 k-points including gamma-point). How about
12x12x12 or 16x16x16?
I would try to look at you input files again.
> Andrea
> Andrea MARINI
> Physics Department, University of Rome "Tor
> Vergata" (Italy)
> - phone: +39-0672594894 - fax:
> +39-062023507 -
> -- andrea.marini at roma2.infn.it -
> http://www.fisica.uniroma2.it/~marini/ --
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