[Pw_forum] [Re] Is it possible to convert the file format between 32
Xunlei Ding
ding at sissa.it
Mon May 29 10:16:00 CEST 2006
Thank you!
I use iotk_copy.x compiled on sp5, and the test.in file is just a TXT file.
I think there must be something else wrong.
The file is on sp5 at
Can anybody help me to test it?
Giovanni Bussi wrote:
>Dear Xunlei,
>the error message is a (cryptic) log of what happened
>inside the library.
>Apparently there is an end of file somewhere (iostat<0),
>so that it is possible that:
>(1) file test.in does not exist in the current directory
>(2) the format of the file is wrong
>In the case (2), it is possible that you are using the wrong
>version of iotk_copy.x . Remember that to read files produced on the SP5
>you need to use the version compiled on that machine.
>On Sun, 28 May 2006, Xunlei Ding wrote:
>>Dear andrea,
>>Thank you for your answer. But I don't know how to use iotk_copy.x.
>>I did as the instruction, but get some errors below.
>>Can you help me?
>>$ iotk_copy.x
>>Name of input file:
>>Name of output file:
>>Textual or Binary:
>>Maximum data size (-1 for unlimited size)
>># ERROR IN: iotk_getline (iotk_scan.spp:785)
>># CVS Revision: 1.2
>># ERROR IN: iotk_scan_tag (iotk_scan.spp:470)
>># CVS Revision: 1.2
>># ERROR IN: iotk_open_read (iotk_files.spp:493)
>># CVS Revision: 1.2
>>Best regards!
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