[Pw_forum] Is it possible to convert the file format between 32 and 64 system?

Andrea Ferretti ferretti.andrea at unimore.it
Fri May 26 11:40:01 CEST 2006

if you are using espresso 3.1 it should be possible.
basically, the default internal format is now based on the "iotk" library, 
which provides some tools for converting iotk binary formatted files to 
iotk textual files (XML compliant)...

so, in principle (but also in practise), you can convert your 64-bit 
binary files to txt, gzip them, move to a different machine and reconvert 
them to a different binary fmt (this finally ensures a better IO 

during the conversion from bin to txt, you need some disk workspace 
(data txt files are roughly 3 times larger than their related binaries)

the tool to convert files is  

just type   make iotk_copy.x (or make all)   in $ESPRESSO_HOME/iotk/
to compile it
then run the iotk_copy.x utility and follow the instructions (give the 
name fo the file to be converted, the new file name, the format of the 
output file (textual in your case), -1 (to convert all the file and not 
to skip large data tags) )

hope it helps

On Fri, 26 May 2006, Xunlei Ding wrote:

> Dear All,
> I do calculations on SP5 and XD1. The wfc and rho files can not be used
> when I change for one to the other,
> because they have 64 and 32 bit file system.
> Are there any tools to convert the files from one format to the other?
> Thank you!
> Yours,
> Ding
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