[Pw_forum] wrong para?
B. Yanchitsky
yan at im.imag.kiev.ua
Thu May 25 18:17:02 CEST 2006
Dear users,
There is a strange thing in parallel version of pw.x.
Parallel version running on 2 processors (cores) (dual-core pentium-d, mpich, npool=2)
and the same pw.x code running on single processor (core) produce different results.
As example
First iteration for 2 processors
total energy = -154.98769308 ryd
First iteration for 1 processor
total energy = -154.98786918 ryd
2 processors
! total energy = -155.02553035 ryd
1 processor
! total energy = -155.02553039 ryd
Forces are also different
2 processors
atom 61 type 1 force = -0.00042175 -0.00024350 0.00000000
1 processor
atom 61 type 1 force = -0.00042242 -0.00024388 0.00000000
My configuration is ifort 9.0 + mkl 8.0.2.
Could you give any ideas/propositions?
Any additional info will be sent on your request from my side.
Bogdan Yanchitsky
Institute of Magnetism
Vernadsky Blvd., 36-b
03142 Kiev
Tel. (+380-44) 444 34 20
Fax. (+380-44) 444 10 20
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