[Pw_forum] compilation in SGI

José C. Conesa jcconesa at icp.csic.es
Tue May 23 18:35:22 CEST 2006

I try to compile espresso 3.1 in a SGI Origin 200 system . When 
running configure there appear in the screen some error messages 
within the part of the output related to checking dependencies. This 
part is:

directory upftools : ok
Cannot open ../iotk/src/iotk_attr+COMP: No such file or directory
pw_export.o : @iotk_module@
WARNING: dependencies not found in directory PP
Cannot open ../iotk/src/iotk_at: No such file or directory
directory PWCOND : ok
Cannot open ../iotk/src/iotk: No such file or directory
directory Gamma : ok

otherwise, at the end it says "configure: success". But I'm afraid 
something is not runnig well; in particular it seems as if there was 
string truncation in some places, so before going into make all I wish to 
ask the experts whether something should be modified in configure or 
in some of the shell scripts launched by it.

Thanks in advance,

Jose C. Conesa
Instituto de Catalisis y Petroleoquimica, CSIC
Campus de Cantoblanco
28049 Madrid  -  Spain
Phone Nr. 34-91-5854766
Fax Nr. 34-91-5854760

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