[Pw_forum] pools and neb
carlo sbraccia
sbraccia at sissa.it
Tue May 9 23:58:47 CEST 2006
Dear Antonio,
> pw 2.* sometimes crashes when we use k points paralization with neb.
you should provide the input that makes the code to crash. I have been
using neb with parallelization on k-points for a long time and I've
never had troubles.
> My questions:
> 1) How to use image paralization? (some example of input file)
for image parallelization just use
mpirun -np N pw.x -nimage M -in input > output
Of course M < N and M < num_of_images. Much better if M is a whole
divisor of num_of_images.
> 2) is 3.* affected by this bug?
Maybe, since the "bug" has never been spotted before.
> 3) Is it possible to convert 2.* path file to 3.* path files for a
> restart?
I think so: just remove the section "QUICK-MIN FIELDS" in the path file
and restart.
> 4) Is 4 processors for pool and as pools as k-points the best
> performance achieving setup?
It is impossible to give a general answer: it depends on both the system
size and on the computer you are using.
However, I already posted a similar message a couple of months ago
(http://www.democritos.it/pipermail/pw_forum/2006-March/003803.html) .
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