[Pw_forum] titania crystal stucture

Luke Thulin lukethulin at netscape.net
Tue May 9 18:11:06 CEST 2006

Thanks for your help.  I eventually did stumble across the 
http://cst-www.nrl.navy.mil/lattice/struk/c5.html site, it is a good one.

jcconesa at icp.csic.es wrote:

>On 9 May 2006 at 8:20, Luke Thulin wrote:
>>I'd like to model the band structure of anatase titania, but I'm having 
>>more difficulty than I expected just finding the coordinates for the 
>>atoms in the unit cell.  So far I've only been able to find out that it 
>>has some type of tetragonal or body centered tetragonal structure with a 
>>= 3.785A and c=9.514A.  Can anyone help me fill in the rest of what I 
>>need to enter the structure into QE so I can get a good visual of it in 
>>XCrysDen?  Or for future reference, does anyone know of any resources, 
>>online or otherwise, of the crystal structures of some common compounds 
>>such as this?
>There are a number of crystallography databases where you can search structures 
>online. A great one is ICSD, but only a small fraction of the structures is available to 
>nonsuscribed institutions; even in that case, a good set of the most fundamental ones 
>can be retrieved freely there through the access at
>Other interesting structure servers are:
>but surely there are more. Perhaps if yopu look with google for "crystal structure 
>database" you would find some of them. Of course, knowing how to handle a crystal 
>description (with space group, taking into account settings, etc.) is quite impoertant to 
>know what to do with the structure descriptions. For such structure handling, and also 
>visualization and symmetry operations, a good program is PowderCell for Windows 
>(now at version 2.4; free to download), see:
>Good luck,
>Jose C. Conesa
>Instituto de Catalisis y Petroleoquimica, CSIC
>Campus de Cantoblanco
>28049 Madrid  -  Spain
>Phone Nr. 34-91-5854766
>Fax Nr. 34-91-5854760
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