[Pw_forum] CVS and PAW

Yonas Abraham yonasb at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 17 15:57:29 CET 2006


In my CVS ChangeLog generated by cvs2cl.pl shows some
PAW references like 

2005-12-21 12:26  fratesi
        * PW/: electrons.f90, grid_paw_variables.f90:
        <develop_PAW> wrong ranges in deband_paw,
descf_paw. Set really_do_paw=.T. (GF)

My question is that I can't seem to find the listed
file in my directories. For example the above note
implies (I guess) the is a file called
PW/grid_paw_variables.f90 which is affected by that
commit. But I don't have that file. I have done "cvs
update -d"

I am interested on PAW and want to know the how it is
progressing, which note it is based on etc and to see
if I can help in testing.


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