[Pw_forum] which file is a must for continueing ph.x run if time_max is reached?

Konzern pwscfklt at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 16:16:04 CET 2006

I am using a cluster with queueing system to do calculations with pwscf,
because of the massive i/o load, I have to distribute the $TMP_DIR on each
node.  Therefore, it is not practical for me to collect all the files in
$TMP_DIR and then re-distribute them in the subsequent run if time_max is
reached in a previous run. I guess the necessary file should be the .save or
recover, but recover is written for each cpu used, if I am not wrong. Could
anyone who is familiar with this code tell me which files are necessary for
a continueous run? In that case I can collet the necessary files and then
re-distribute them for the subsequent run.


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