[Pw_forum] parallel in q2r.x

sun jason jasonsun98 at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 1 15:28:11 CET 2006

Dear all,

Happy New Year!

I encounter some problems when I use q2r.x in espresso-3.0.  the pw.x and 
ph.x can run in parallel, but when I type 
$~/espresso-3.0/bin/q2r.x < q2r.in > q2r.out
or $mpirun -np 1 ~/espresso-3.0/bin/q2r.x < q2r.in > q2r.out
q2r.x will not work, the error message always says,
[0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program !
[0] Aborting program!

I try to compile q2r.f90 in sequential. but I failed. It seems that the 
q2r.f90 must be compiled into parallel.

It seems that the example06 in espresso-3.0 is not updated. the input files 
for q2r.x and matdyn.x are not right.

any help would be appreciated.

Best regards,
Jian Sun

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