[Pw_forum] I am receiving spams from this mailing list

Mahmoud Payami mpayami at aeoi.org.ir
Tue Feb 28 05:52:45 CET 2006

Dear Administrator of ESPRESSO Mailing,

Kindly, it is for a few months that I am receiving from this mailing facility some messages containing viruses with subjects as: show, photo, .... I would be grateful if you please consider filtering such messages.
With kindest regards,
Mahmoud Payami

Mahmoud Payami
Associate Professor of Physics
Center for Theoretical Physics and Mathematics
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
P. O. Box 11365-8486

E-mail: mpayami at aeoi.org.ir
Phone: +98 (0)21 82064393
Fax:     +98 (0)21 8003796
Fax:     +98 (0)21 8021412
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