[Pw_forum] electron-phonon interaction ...

Malgorzata Wierzbowska wierzbom at ts.infn.it
Sat Dec 16 11:49:39 CET 2006

On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, Amit Kumar wrote:

   Dear Users,
   As for the answer to the question below and similar ones
   (e.g. when the error is followed by a message from the code)
   I can advice the first debugging/input_check step:

   -- goto the code and find sobroutine which gives the error
      or grep the error message in the source by making for instance
      grep -i "cannot remap grid on k-point list" ./*/*.f90 (or PH/*.f90)
   -- if you find that place, you may see "a hint"
   do n=1,nkh
      do nk=1,nkBZ
         if (eqBZ(nk) == n) go to 20
      end do
      !  this failure of the algorithm may indicate that the displaced grid
      !  (with k1,k2,k3.ne.0) does not have the full symmetry of the lattice
      call errore('lint','cannot remap grid on k-point list',n)
20   continue
   end do
    -- You think what are "k1,k2,k3" in the code. You find that you should
       specify these numbers as zero in the input (otherwise there
       are problems with the symmetry... because somebody -- read Gosia
       in this case -- was lazy to solve it).
    -- You change your input, and if it still doesn't work.... you send us
       your input.

  If you solve your little problems on your own you will feel satifaction!
    Have fun,

>   Respected Users,
>   *How to cope with the following error*?
>   electron-phonon interaction  ...
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>    from lint : error #       148
>    cannot remap grid on k-point list
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>    stopping ...
> <pw_forum at pwscf.org>
>  Regards,
>  Amit

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