[Pw_forum] Answers and Questions

Fernando A Reboredo reboredofa at ornl.gov
Thu Aug 31 15:57:12 CEST 2006

Dear All,

I feel compelled to write because I am always amazed by the degree of patience that the developers of these ESPRESO package show towards the questions in this mailing list. I also confess that I feel embarrassed to ask my own questions since I know that I will be stealing research time of colleagues.  I thank the developers for making this package available. 


However, there are two types of questions 1) the ones that refer to the inner reason of the error messages (that I am not qualified to answer) 2) the ones that refer to a chapter of "Introduction to Solid State Theory" or "Quantum Mechanics". Since I feel I am not better teacher that Aschoft or Kohen I also remain quiet there. 


I interrupt my silence to suggest to askers to think whether a question is type 1 or 2. 


Thanks again for the hard work and patience.


I am Fernando A. Reboredo ORNL (and I approve this message)
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