[Pw_forum] error during compilatio

Matteo Cococcioni matteoc at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 16 00:14:03 CEST 2006

Dear all,

I am trying to compile the code on a MacBook laptop (running Mac OS X but with
an intel processor) and I'm experiencing some troubles. I'm using the intel
compiler for Mac OS X (temporary licence) and here is what I did (aftr
installing Xcode containing gcc and the command "make"):

1) since straight configure doesn't recognize the architecture I've used
./configure.old pc_ifc

2) I tried to adapt the obtained make.sys using as a model the make.sys that
works fine on a regular linux pc. The result is attached to this email.

I think I got pretty close to compile pwscf. But at the end it gives the
following error:

ld: Undefined symbols:
make[1]: *** [pw.x] Error 1
make: *** [pw] Error 2

which I don't know how to solve. Does anybody have any idea/experience about it?
Of course it's not urgent problem to solve, but maybe this could help having the
make.sys for another kind of architecture.
By the way: the compiler seems to be affected by an internal error which one
finds trying to compile cp (make cp). But the issue with the compilation of pw
seems to be unrelated to that.

I would appreciate any help/suggestion/comment. Thank you.

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