[Pw_forum] Can't run pwgui and missing chden.x

Tone Kokalj tone.kokalj at ijs.si
Thu Apr 27 17:33:13 CEST 2006

On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 10:01 -0400, Luke Thulin wrote:
> I take that back, PWgui 3.0 isn't working.  If I go to the website and 
> get version 2.1.3, that works, but 3.0 aborts and because the wish 
> command is not found.

You need the Tcl/Tk software to run the PWgui's source version (see the
README file in the top PWgui's directory). 

For the version 2.1.3 you very likely using the binary version (that's
not yet available for 3.0, my fault).

Regards, Tone

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