[Pw_forum] xcrysden-cannot open pwscf output file
Gerardo Ballabio
g.ballabio at cineca.it
Fri Sep 9 09:57:41 CEST 2005
On 09/09/2005 08:53:03 AM, Jaita Paul wrote:
> /home/jaita/XCrySDen-B1.0bin-static/scripts/pwo2xsf.sh: line 1: bc:
> command not found
> /home/jaita/XCrySDen-B1.0bin-static/scripts/pwo2xsf.sh: line 88:
> test: -eq: unary operator expected
The first error means that the "bc" program can't be found on your
system. The second error is a consequence.
"bc" is a command-line calculator that comes sort of standard on
Unix/Linux systems. You may ask your system administrator to install
it. If you are yourself the administrator of your machine, if it's a
Linux machine, I'm sure packages for bc exist for practically all
Linux distributions.
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