[Pw_forum] projwfc.f90
Paolo Giannozzi
giannozz at nest.sns.it
Tue Oct 11 17:33:46 CEST 2005
On Tuesday 11 October 2005 16:52, Andrea Floris wrote:
> does it exists some documentation (papers, some notes or whatever)
> on which the program projwfc.f90 (and the routines that it calls) is
> based?
some time ago I wrote some notes (latex file below) about Loewdin
charges. Hope this helps
Paolo Giannozzi e-mail: giannozz at nest.sns.it
Scuola Normale Superiore Phone: +39/050-509876, Fax:-563513
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7 I-56126 Pisa, Italy
\section{L\"owdin and Mulliken population analysis}
We have $| \phi_\mu\rangle$ atomic (or atomic-like)
orbitals, not necessarily orthonormal, and we want
to write KS orbitals for our system:
$|\psi_\alpha\rangle$, as sums over said
atomic orbitals:
|\psi_\alpha\rangle = \sum_\mu c_\mu^{(\alpha)} | \phi_\mu \rangle.
The generalized orthonormality relations for KS orbitals
is written as:
\langle\psi_\alpha| \hat S |\psi_\beta\rangle = \delta_{\alpha\beta}.
where $\hat S$ is an operator defined in the US PP framework.
The charge density $\rho({\bf r})$ is given by
\rho({\bf r}) = \sum_{\mu,\nu} P_{\mu\nu}
\left (\phi^*_\nu \hat S \phi_\mu\right) ({\bf r})
P_{\mu\nu} = \sum_\alpha c_\mu^{(\alpha)} c_\nu^{(\alpha)*}
define an operator $\hat P$, and
\left (\phi^*_\nu \hat S \phi_\mu\right) ({\bf r}) =
\phi^*_\nu({\bf r}) \phi_\mu({\bf r}) +
\sum_{lm} \langle\phi_\nu|\beta_l\rangle q_{lm}({\bf r})
where the $\beta$'s and $q$'s are components of the US PP.
\subsection{Mulliken population analysis}
We write the total number of electrons $N$ as:
N = \int \rho({\bf r}) d{\bf r}
= \mbox{Tr} \hat P\hat S = \sum_\mu (\sum_\nu P_{\mu\nu} S_{\nu\mu})
\equiv \sum_\mu q_\mu
where $q_\mu$ is the {\em Mulliken charge} associated to state $\mu$ :
q_\mu = \sum_\nu \sum_\alpha c_\mu^{(\alpha)} c_\nu^{(\alpha)*} S_{\nu\mu}
S_{\nu\mu} = \langle\phi_\nu|\hat S|\phi_\mu\rangle
= \int \phi^*_\nu({\bf r}) \phi_\mu({\bf r}) d{\bf r} +
\sum_{lm} \langle\phi_\nu|\beta_l\rangle Q_{lm}
Q_{lm}=\int q_{lm}({\bf r}) d{\bf r}.
In general, this matrix is not diagonal, even with NC PP.
The coefficients $c_\mu^{(\alpha)}$ are obtained by inverting the linear
\langle \phi_\nu | \hat S | \psi_\alpha\rangle =
\sum_\mu c_\mu^{(\alpha)} S_{\nu\mu}
that is
c_\mu^{(\alpha)} = (\hat S^{-1})_{\mu\nu}
\langle \phi_\nu | \hat S | \psi_\alpha\rangle
and finally
q_\mu = \sum_{\alpha\nu}
\langle \psi_\alpha | \hat S | \phi_\mu\rangle
(\hat S^{-1})_{\mu\nu}
\langle \phi_\nu | \hat S | \psi_\alpha\rangle.
\subsection{L\"owdin population analysis}
The total number of electrons $N$ can be alternatively written as
N = \mbox{Tr} \left[\hat S^{1/2}\hat P \hat S^{1/2}\right]
= \sum_\mu \tilde q_\mu.
where $\tilde q_\mu$ is called {\em L\"owdin charge} associated to state
$\mu$. Let us introduce an auxiliary set of atomic orbitals
$\tilde\phi$ via :
|\tilde\phi_\mu\rangle = \sum_\nu (\hat S^{-1/2})_{\nu\mu}| \phi_\nu\rangle,
| \phi_\mu\rangle = \sum_\nu (\hat S^{1/2})_{\nu\mu}|\tilde\phi_\nu\rangle,
for which the generalized orthonormality relation
\langle\tilde\phi_\mu|\hat S| \tilde\phi_\nu\rangle = \delta_{\mu\nu}
holds. The KS orbitals for our systems can be rewritten as
|\psi_\alpha\rangle = \sum_\mu c_\mu^{(\alpha)} | \phi_\mu \rangle
= \sum_\mu \tilde c_\mu^{(\alpha)} | \tilde\phi_\mu
\tilde c_\mu^{(\alpha)} = \sum_\nu (\hat S^{1/2})_{\nu\mu} c_\nu^{(\alpha)}.
By comparison with the above expression of $\tilde q_\mu$ we get
\tilde q_\mu = \sum_\alpha |\tilde c_\mu^{(\alpha)}|^2
= |\langle \tilde\phi_\mu | \hat S | \psi_\alpha\rangle|^2
Reference: {\em Modern Quantum Chemistry}, A. Szabo and N. Ostlund (Dover, NY
p. 153
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