[Pw_forum] El-Ph funny error

Aritz Leonardo swblelia at sw.ehu.es
Tue Oct 4 18:46:15 CEST 2005

I think that it is a compiler error. Try to calculate the samething in 
such a way that the nscf calculation does not take more than 9999 
points. I am sure that in this case you will obtain results.

As you say, if the point has low symmetry and kpoints > 9999.....  crashes.

I am sorry that I cannot help you. I had the same problem and the way to 
solve it was using another compiler.

Miguel Martínez Canales escribió:

> Dear Dr. Gianozzi
> First, thanks to you and Dr.Isaev for your answers.
>>         IF ( ABS( xq(1) - ( xk(1,ikq) - xk(1,ikk) ) ) > eps8 .OR. &
>>              ABS( xq(2) - ( xk(2,ikq) - xk(2,ikk) ) ) > eps8 .OR. &
>>              ABS( xq(3) - ( xk(3,ikq) - xk(3,ikk) ) ) > eps8 ) THEN
>>            WRITE( stdout, * ) ikk, ikq, nksq
>>            WRITE( stdout, * ) ( xq(ipol),     ipol = 1, 3)
>>            WRITE( stdout, * ) ( xk(ipol,ikq), ipol = 1, 3)
>>            WRITE( stdout, * ) ( xk(ipol,ikk), ipol = 1, 3)
>>            CALL errore( 'phq_init', 'wrong order of k points', 1 )
>>         END IF
>> what does it print immediately before that?
> The outpur (from the last k point to the error is):
>         k(16250) = (   0.4200000   1.4200000  -0.2500000), wk =   
> 0.0000000
>      pseudo 1 is Al (US)    zval =  3.0   lmax= 1   lloc= 0
>      Version   0  0  0 of US pseudo code
>      Using log mesh of   893 points
>      The pseudopotential has  2 beta functions with:
>                 l(1) =   0
>                 l(2) =   1
>      Q(r) pseudized with  8 coefficients,  rinner =    0.900   0.900  
> 0.900
>      Atomic displacements:
>      There are   3 irreducible representations
>      Representation     1      1 modes - To be done
>      Representation     2      1 modes - To be done
>      Representation     3      1 modes - To be done
>            1           2        8125
>  -0.125000000000000      -0.125000000000000       0.375000000000000
>   -2.00000000000000D-002   2.00000000000000D-002  0.270000000000000
>   -2.00000000000000D-002   2.00000000000000D-002   2.00000000000000D-002
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
>      from phq_init : error #         1
>      wrong order of k points
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
>      stopping ...
> If it helps, this tipically occurs in low symmetry points (i.e. 
> outside 00x or xxx lines). Thanks again, and sorry for the late answer,
> Miguel

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