[Pw_forum] pw2wan.x available for use???

Andrea Ferretti ferretti.andrea at unimore.it
Thu Nov 10 14:26:45 CET 2005

On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Liping YU wrote:

> Hi, can someone tell me if pw2wan.x is now available for use now?
> Thanks!
> Liping
> Hello Mr. Paolo,
> So, should we assume that currently pw2wan.x cannot be used?
> Do you know the time-frame in which it will be usable?
> Thanks,
> Ravi
> Paolo Giannozzi <giannozz at nest.sns.it <mailto:giannozz at nest.sns.it>> 
> Sent by: pw_forum-admin at pwscf.org <mailto:pw_forum-admin at pwscf.org>
> 08/09/2004 04:12 PM
> Please respond to
> pw_forum
> On Monday 09 August 2004 18:02, Ravinder Abrol wrote:
> >/ Is there any documentation on using pw2wan.x code provided in PWSCF
> />/ package for post-processing to get the localized wannier functions?
> /
> no, pw2wan.x is just an interface with the soon-to-be-released code 
> that finds maximally localized Wannier functions.
> P.

I would just add that pw2wan.x is an interface to the already released 
WanT 1.0 code for the calculation of transport using wannier functions,
while the soon-to-be-released 2.0 version uses a different datafile format  
This format is based on the IOTK library by Giovanni Bussi 
which is already used also in the CVS version of espresso (isn't it, 
paolo ?). A patch (for versions 2.1.x) using this library to export (part 
of) espresso data is available in the PWscf download page...

back to the case of pw2wan.x :
I did not use is recently but I think it should work in espresso 2.1.x, a 
pseudo documentation of the binary file format produced by the code was 
written to interface with WanT and is in the attachment


Andrea Ferretti
INFM National Research Center on nanoStructures and bioSystems at Surfaces 
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Via Campi 213/A I-41100 Modena, Italy
Tel:     +39 059 2055283
Fax:     +39 059 374794
E-mail:  ferretti.andrea at unimore.it
URL:     http://www.nanoscience.unimo.it
-------------- next part --------------
This README illustrate the layout of the binary input file 'launch.dat' 
which is used to pass information from ab-initio code and 
wannier transport code. 
For each variable in the file the FORTRAN type and its meaning are given

REAL*8 :: avec(3,3)
REAL*8 :: alat
INTEGER :: ntype
INTEGER :: natom(:)
CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: nameat(:)
REAL*8 :: rat(:,:,:)
REAL*8 :: emax
INTEGER :: nbandi
INTEGER :: nk(3)
REAL*8 :: s(3)
INTEGER :: ngm0
INTEGER :: ig1(:), ig2(:), ig3(:)
INTEGER :: nkp_tot
INTEGER :: mxddim, mxdbnd, nkpts
INTEGER :: isort_k(:,:)
REAL*8 :: ei_k(:,:)
INTEGER :: mtxd_k(:)
INTEGER :: neig_k(:) 
INTEGER :: nr1, nr2, nr3
INTEGER :: ngm, ngwx
LOGICAL :: twrite
INTEGER :: file_version
CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: section_name
INTEGER :: ngw_ , nbnd_ , ik_ , nk_ , kunit_ , ispin_ , nspin_
REAL*8 :: scal_
INTEGER :: igwx_
LOGICAL :: t0_
COMPLEX*16 :: wtmp(:)
COMPLEX*16 :: zvec_k(:,:,:)
INTEGER :: idum_


READ( 54 ) alat                  ! units of the Crystal basis vector
READ( 54 ) ( avec(i,1),i=1,3 )   ! basis vectors a = avec( :, 1 ) * alat
READ( 54 ) ( avec(i,2),i=1,3 )   ! basis vectors b = avec( :, 2 ) * alat
READ( 54 ) ( avec(i,3),i=1,3 )   ! basis vectors c = avec( :, 3 ) * alat
READ( 54 ) ntype                 ! number of different atomic species
DO nt = 1, ntype
  !   natom(nt)  = number of atoms for the specie nt
  !   nameat(nt) = label of the atomic specie nt
  READ ( 54 ) natom(nt), nameat( nt )  
  !   rat( :, j, nt ) = lattice coordinetes of the j-th atom of specie nt
  READ ( 54 ) ( ( rat( i, j, nt ), i = 1, 3 ), j = 1, natom( nt ) )
!   emax   =  energy cutoff (emax) in Rydberg unit 
!   nbandi =  number of electronic bands
READ(54) emax, nbandi   
!   nk(1), nk(2), nk(3) are the number of k-points
!   s(1), s(2), s(3) is the origin of the k-points grid
!   ngm0   =  number of reciprocal space vectors
READ(54) (nk(i), i = 1, 3 ), ( s(i), i = 1, 3), ngm0
!   ig1(:), ig2(:), ig3(:)   =  generators of the reciprocal space vectors
!                               G(i) = ig1(i) * b1  +  ig2(i) * b2  +  ig3(i) * b3
!                               where b1, b2, b3 are the base vectors of the reciprocal space
READ(54) ( ig1(ig), ig2(ig), ig3(ig), ig = 1, ngm0 )
!   nkp_tot = nk(1) * nk(2) * nk(3)   total number of k points
!   mxddim  = maximum number of g-vectors component for wave functions
!   mxdbnd  = number of wave functions for each k - points
!   nkpts   = number of k-points where wave functions are defined
READ(54) mxddim, mxdbnd, nkpts
!   isort_k( i, nkp ) = for each k point this vector map the i-th wave function components 
!                       into the G vector generators arrays ig1, ig2, ig3
DO nkp = 1, nkp_tot
   READ(54) ( isort_k( i, nkp ), i = 1, mxddim )
!   ei_k(i,nkp)       = eigenvalues (in eV) of the i-th wave function relative to the nkp-th 
!                       k -point
READ(54) ( (ei_k(i,nkp), i=1,mxdbnd ), nkp=1,nkp_tot )
!   mtxd_k            = for each k-point is the number of plane waves (wave function componenets
!                       consistent with the cut-off
READ(54) ( mtxd_k(nkp), nkp=1,nkp_tot )
!   neig_k            = for each k-point is the number of plane waves 
READ(54) ( neig_k(nkp), nkp=1,nkp_tot )
!   nr1, nr2, nr3     = dimension of the real and reciprocal space grid for FFT transforms
!   ngm               = number of G - vectors in reciprocal space
!   ngwx              = maximum number of wave functions reciprocal space components 
!                       consistent with the cut-off
READ(54) nr1, nr2, nr3, ngm, ngwx
!  HERE read wave functions components
DO nkp = 1, nkp_tot
  !   twrite       =  TRUE if wave functions informations are present in the file
  !   file_version =  INTEGER not relevant for wannier transport code
  !   section_name =  STRING not relevant for wannier transport code
  READ(54) twrite, file_version, section_name
  !   ngw_         =  number of wave functions components for the nkp-th k points
  !   nbnd_        =  number of wave functions for the nkp-th k points
  !   ik_          =  index of this k point
  !   nk_          =  total number of k points
  !   kunit_       =  INTEGER not relevant for wannier transport code
  !   ispin_       =  index of the spin component
  !   nspin_       =  number of the spin components
  !   scal_        =  scaling factor (if any) for this wave functions 
  READ(54) ngw_, nbnd_, ik_, nk_, kunit_, ispin_, nspin_, scal_
  !   igwx_        =  
  READ(54) igwx_   =  number of components to be read from file
  !   t0_          =  LOGICAL variable not relevant for wannier transport code
  READ(54) t0_
  !   wtmp         =  wave functions reciprocal space components, should be in 
  !                   the same order as the G space generators ig1, ig2, ig3
  !   zvec_k       =  wave function components consistent with the cut-off 
  !                   and sorted with array isort_k
  DO i = 1, nbnd_
    READ(54) ( wtmp(ig), ig=1,igwx_ )
    DO ig = 1, mtxd_k( nkp )
      zvec_k( ig, i, nkp ) = wtmp( isort_k( ig, nkp ) )
    END DO
  !   t0_          =  LOGICAL variable not relevant for wannier transport code
  READ(54) t0_
  DO i = 1, nbnd_
    !   idum_      =  INTEGER variable not relevant for wannier transport code
    READ(54) idum_


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