[Pw_forum] Problems running PWscf in parallel

stewart at cnf.cornell.edu stewart at cnf.cornell.edu
Tue Nov 1 18:12:32 CET 2005

Hi all, 

  I am having problems getting PWscf to run in parallel on a red-hat linux 
cluster using lam-mpi.  When I start the calculation, I get the standard 
header information along with the number of processors that will be used.  
Then the program appears to hang even on simple calculations.  I have tried 
running it in directories that can be seen by NFS and also on scratch 
directories outside the NFS with no luck. 

 I have set the runs up with a hostfile for 4 nodes with 2 processors each.  
Using both: 

mpirun -np 8 pw.x < run.in > run.out 

mpirun C pw.x < run.in > run.out 

I run into the same problem. 

When the program starts it tries to start 2 processes on 4 different nodes.  
Shortly after this, the second process on each node quits and I am left with 
4 pw.x runs on 4 nodes without any output.  Memory usage of these processors 
is less than 1% so I know they aren't doing any significant work. 

I would appreciate any suggestions that people have on why some pw.x 
processes are falling out would be greatly appreciated! 



Derek Stewart, Ph. D.
Scientific Computation Associate
250 Duffield Hall
Cornell Nanoscale Facility (CNF)
Ithaca, NY 14853
stewart (at) cnf.cornell.edu
(607) 255-2856 

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