[Pw_forum] Compile error of espresso 2.1.3

Jose C. Conesa jcconesa at icp.csic.es
Thu May 5 18:20:56 CEST 2005

Dear all, 
I tried to compile the new espresso version in a machine correctly identified as alphaev68-dec-
osf5.1, in which I had already compiled successfully version 2.1.2. But now in the compilations I 
find that, after libraries clib.a, flib.a and ptools.a have been created, the following error appears:

f90: Warning: input.f90, line 90: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration
 of name.   [RD_HT]
           if_pos, rd_ht, nelup, neldw, occupations, f_inp, pos, nr3b, pseudo_dir, &

followed by several errors similar to this one:

f90: Error: input.f90, line 211: The same named entity from different modules an
d/or program units cannot be referenced.   [RD_HT]
                           rd_ht, a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc, alat_ )

Then compilation aborts. Please help.

An additional comment: following previous discussions in the forum, I suggest that in future 
releases of the software elements Ti, Zn, Pr and Tb should be included in PW/set_hubbard_l.f90, 
and the same elements plus V and Cr be included as well in PW/tabd.f90.

Best regards,
Jose C. Conesa
Instituto de Catalisis y Petroleoquimica, CSIC
Campus de Cantoblanco
28049 Madrid  -  Spain
Phone Nr. 34-91-5854766
Fax Nr. 34-91-5854760

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