[Pw_forum] to Paolo Giannozzi

Shaorui Sun sunsr at ihep.ac.cn
Thu May 5 16:16:53 CEST 2005

Dear Paolo Giannozzi:
     I have change the value of "zval" from 2 to 12,but the output information is still seems like that of last time which is shown as follows:
     program ld1 starts. version 20-May-04
     today is  5May2005 at 11:59:37 

     -------------------- All-electron run ------------------------------

     scalar relativistic calculation

     atomic number is 30.00
     dft =LDA   lsd =0 sic =0 latt =0  beta=0.50 tr2=1.0E-14
     mesh =1201 r(mesh) =  99.36527 xmin = -7.00 dx = 0.01250

     n l     nl                  e(Ryd)         e(Ha)          e(eV)
     1 0     1S 1( 2.00)      -698.7683      -349.3841     -9507.3013
     2 0     2S 1( 2.00)       -84.9778       -42.4889     -1156.1912
     2 1     2P 1( 6.00)       -73.7532       -36.8766     -1003.4715
     3 0     3S 1( 2.00)        -9.4537        -4.7269      -128.6258
     3 1     3P 1( 6.00)        -6.1196        -3.0598       -83.2614
     3 2     3D 1(10.00)        -0.7660        -0.3830       -10.4221
     4 0     4S 1( 2.00)        -0.4576        -0.2288        -6.2257
     4 1     4P 1( 0.00)        -0.0907        -0.0454        -1.2341

     eps = 5.3E-15  iter = 17
     Etot =   -3586.632153 Ry,   -1793.316077 Ha,  -48798.999750 eV

     Ekin =    3642.289263 Ry,    1821.144631 Ha,   49556.259254 eV
     Encl =   -8648.418320 Ry,   -4324.209160 Ha, -117668.649973 eV
     Eh   =    1557.020742 Ry,     778.510371 Ha,   21184.512815 eV
     Exc  =    -137.523839 Ry,     -68.761919 Ha,   -1871.121846 eV
     Evxt =       0.000000 Ry,       0.000000 Ha,       0.000000 eV
     Epseu=       0.000000 Ry,       0.000000 Ha,       0.000000 eV

     normalization and overlap integrals

     s(1S/1S) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.0504  <r2> =    0.0034  r(max) =   0.0329
     s(1S/2S) = -0.004323
     s(1S/3S) = -0.001612
     s(1S/4S) = -0.000384
     s(2S/2S) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.2266  <r2> =    0.0606  r(max) =   0.1894
     s(2S/3S) = -0.000937
     s(2S/4S) = -0.000219
     s(2P/2P) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.1985  <r2> =    0.0483  r(max) =   0.1513
     s(2P/3P) = -0.000748
     s(2P/4P) = -0.000107
     s(3S/3S) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.6823  <r2> =    0.5385  r(max) =   0.5908
     s(3S/4S) = -0.000128
     s(3P/3P) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.7141  <r2> =    0.6034  r(max) =   0.5908
     s(3P/4P) = -0.000066
     s(3D/3D) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.9120  <r2> =    1.1335  r(max) =   0.5620
     s(4S/4S) =  1.000000  <r> =   2.6302  <r2> =    8.1216  r(max) =   2.0882
     s(4P/4P) =  1.000000  <r> =   4.1466  <r2> =   21.1002  r(max) =   3.0383

     -------------------- End of All-electron run ----------------------

     --------------- Generating NC pseudopotential ---------------

      Generating local potential, lloc=    2

      Wfc   4S  rcut= 2.300  Using Troullier-Martins method 
      This function has    0 nodes for 0 < r <    2.279

      Wfc   4P  rcut= 2.300  Using Troullier-Martins method 
      This function has    0 nodes for 0 < r <    2.279
 solution not found in ascheqps

     ------------ End of pseudopotential generation --------------------

     -------------------- All-electron run ------------------------------

     scalar relativistic calculation

     atomic number is 30.00
     dft =LDA   lsd =0 sic =0 latt =0  beta=0.50 tr2=1.0E-14
     mesh =1201 r(mesh) =  99.36527 xmin = -7.00 dx = 0.01250

     n l     nl                  e(Ryd)         e(Ha)          e(eV)
     1 0     1S 1( 2.00)      -698.7683      -349.3841     -9507.3013
     2 0     2S 1( 2.00)       -84.9778       -42.4889     -1156.1912
     2 1     2P 1( 6.00)       -73.7532       -36.8766     -1003.4715
     3 0     3S 1( 2.00)        -9.4537        -4.7269      -128.6258
     3 1     3P 1( 6.00)        -6.1196        -3.0598       -83.2614
     3 2     3D 1(10.00)        -0.7660        -0.3830       -10.4221
     4 0     4S 1( 2.00)        -0.4576        -0.2288        -6.2257
     4 1     4P 1( 0.00)        -0.0907        -0.0454        -1.2341

     eps = 5.3E-15  iter = 17
     Etot =   -3586.632153 Ry,   -1793.316077 Ha,  -48798.999750 eV

     Ekin =    3642.289263 Ry,    1821.144631 Ha,   49556.259254 eV
     Encl =   -8648.418320 Ry,   -4324.209160 Ha, -117668.649973 eV
     Eh   =    1557.020742 Ry,     778.510371 Ha,   21184.512815 eV
     Exc  =    -137.523839 Ry,     -68.761919 Ha,   -1871.121846 eV
     Evxt =       0.000000 Ry,       0.000000 Ha,       0.000000 eV
     Epseu=       0.000000 Ry,       0.000000 Ha,       0.000000 eV

     normalization and overlap integrals

     s(1S/1S) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.0504  <r2> =    0.0034  r(max) =   0.0329
     s(1S/2S) = -0.004323
     s(1S/3S) = -0.001612
     s(1S/4S) = -0.000384
     s(2S/2S) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.2266  <r2> =    0.0606  r(max) =   0.1894
     s(2S/3S) = -0.000937
     s(2S/4S) = -0.000219
     s(2P/2P) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.1985  <r2> =    0.0483  r(max) =   0.1513
     s(2P/3P) = -0.000748
     s(2P/4P) = -0.000107
     s(3S/3S) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.6823  <r2> =    0.5385  r(max) =   0.5908
     s(3S/4S) = -0.000128
     s(3P/3P) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.7141  <r2> =    0.6034  r(max) =   0.5908
     s(3P/4P) = -0.000066
     s(3D/3D) =  1.000000  <r> =   0.9120  <r2> =    1.1335  r(max) =   0.5620
     s(4S/4S) =  1.000000  <r> =   2.6302  <r2> =    8.1216  r(max) =   2.0882
     s(4P/4P) =  1.000000  <r> =   4.1466  <r2> =   21.1002  r(max) =   3.0383

     -------------------- End of All-electron run ----------------------

     -------------- Testing the pseudopotential ------------------------

 Try bisec  -11.7598161188989       -11.7598161188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598171188989       -11.7598171188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598181188989       -11.7598181188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598191188989       -11.7598191188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598201188989       -11.7598201188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598211188989       -11.7598211188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598221188989       -11.7598221188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598231188989       -11.7598231188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598241188989       -11.7598241188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598251188989       -11.7598251188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598261188989       -11.7598261188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598271188989       -11.7598271188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598281188989       -11.7598281188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598291188989       -11.7598291188989     
 Try bisec  -11.7598301188989       -11.7598301188989     
In fact,the ld1 program can not stop with the " Try bisec" one by one.
Would you like give me more direction?
thank you in advance!

Best Regards!
                        S. R. Sun
Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Institute of High Energy Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P. O. Box 918, 100049 Beijing
P. R. China
Tel: 0086+10 88236710
email:sunsr at ihep.ac.cn

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