[Pw_forum] Doubt on pseudopotential

Eduardo Ariel Menendez P emenendez at macul.ciencias.uchile.cl
Wed May 4 18:44:54 CEST 2005


Several elements of the 6th row have 4f elBectrons. Hence, I think that
valence wavefunctions calculated with plane waves should be orthogonal to
the core 4f orbitals, and an l=3 channel  must be included in the
pseudopotential (otherwise it is the local part). See, for instance, the
Pb pseudopotential

Generated using Vanderbilt code, version   7  3  5
Author: unknown    Generation date:   10    6 2004
Automatically converted from original format
    1        The Pseudo was generated with a Scalar-Relativistic
  2.30000000000E+00    Local Potential cutoff radius
nl pn  l   occ               Rcut            Rcut US             E pseu
5D  5  2 10.00     10.00000000000      2.30000000000     -1.56457348858
6S  6  0  2.00     10.00000000000      2.50000000000     -0.90577247611
6P  6  1  2.00     10.00000000000      2.50000000000     -0.27269991105

I think it lacks a 5F nonlocal part, so to ensure orthogonality
with the core 4F orbitals. I also checks Tl, Au,Ta, and it is the same.
For this lack of an F channel there is surely a good reason.
Can someone explain me that reason, please?

Best regards

Eduardo A. Menendez Proupin
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science
University of Chile
Las Palmeras 3425
Ñuñoa, Santiago
Phone: 56+2+678 74 11

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