[Pw_forum] about parallel calculation under opteron linux cluster with mpich

Gerardo Ballabio g.ballabio at cineca.it
Wed Jun 29 11:30:14 CEST 2005

On 06/29/05 11:21:48, Jian ZHOU wrote:
> Dear all,
> I download the last version 2.1.4 of pwscf, and compile with the
> following the make.sys:


> For the serial version(replace the mpif90 to pgf90), it works well.  
> However, when I use this parallel version, it only created one  
> thread even if I told it to run with 2 thread.

These DFLAGS generate serial executable. For parallel executable  
-D__MPI -D__PARA must be added. If you use configure, they should be  
generated correctly.

> When I use defaut make.sys file created by ./configure script, it
> shows a "Segmentation fault" error. So, I make some changes in the
> make.sys.

Could you please post that make.sys? What changes exactly you have to  
do to get rid of the error?


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