[Pw_forum] Distribution of the memory when use -npool option

Sergey Lisenkov proffess at yandex.ru
Fri Jul 15 14:28:29 CEST 2005

Dear PWscf users and authors,

  I am interested how are memory distributed when use -npool option. In my case, I perform calculations with 64 k-points. When I use :
  mpirun -np 64 ./pw.x -npool 64 -in my.inp (with k-point parallelization) 

I see that a lot of memory (~30%) are used on each node (measured by 'top' command). But when I use:

mpirun -np 64 ./pw.x  -in my.inp (without k-point parallelization)

only ~5% of memory of each node is used. I believe, that using k-point parallelization is highly efficient, but it follows to out of memory, killing network mappers and etc. 

So, is there a compromise?

  Best wishes,

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