[Pw_forum] about phonon and structural optimization

Eyvaz Isaev eyvaz_isaev at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 11 00:20:20 CEST 2005


First, I would like to answer questions about phonons.

1. No, I did nothing with cubic BN, but I remember a
paper of Parlinski.

2. You can calculate LO/TO splitting for
semiconductors and insulators  using both dynmat.x and
matdyn.x. The result will be the same. 
Input file for dynmat.x looks like

 phonons of Ti2SiC at 0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000

Command line as usual 
$BIN_DIR/dynmat.x < input_file > output_file

The manual says correct, of course, but in this
particular case you have a choice. 

3. For GGA in most cases  larger lattice parameter
will be obtained, so, phonon frequences reduced. 

4. 10cm^-1 of 1304cm^-1 is about 10*100/1300=0.8%. I
guess you have got good agreement with experimental


--- sun jason <jasonsun98 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, eyvaz,
> Thank you to answer my questions:)
> did you calculate the phonon mode of cubic BN
> before?
> today, I recalculate the phonon using PBE
> potentials, the result is better 
> now, but the LO mode is 1294 cm-1, about 10 cm-1
> less than the experimental 
> value.
> I calculated the LO/TO spliting using q2r.x + 
> matdyn.x.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> but the user manual says, the dynmat.x should be use
> to calculate LO/TO 
> spliting and IR.
>                             ~~~~~~~~~~~
> so which program do you use to get LO/TO spliting?
> if you use pwtools dynmat.x, how to use it?
> Thank you in advance.
> another question is about cell optimization.
> 2) does pw.x can calculate from the optimized cell
> automatically? or I 
> should read the output file of vc-relax and write
> the coordinate into the 
> input file of pw.x manually? 
> 3) I perform a vc-relaxtion using PBE USPP, the
> optimized lattice constants 
> is larger than the experimental value. why? it's
> reasonable?
> jason
> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 09:51:30 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Eyvaz Isaev <eyvaz_isaev at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] about phonon calculation
> To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
> Reply-To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
> Hi,
> In order to get correct LO mode you should calculate
> phonons using dynmat.x from /pwtools directory.
> Effective charges for B and N are not equal due to
> numerical errors in our computer calculations. 
> Bests,
> Eyvaz.
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