[Pw_forum] Re. from total energy to cohesive energy

Stefano de Gironcoli degironc at sissa.it
Thu Jul 7 12:00:10 CEST 2005

Cohesive energy is the difference between the energy/atom in the solid 
and the
energy of the isolated atom that you canc compute considering a single 
atom in
a large enough supercell (keep the same cutoff, Gamma-only is ok).


Yong Jiang wrote:

>Dear All,
>My question is about the cohesive energy.
>In example01 ni.scf.cg.out, total energy is calculated as -85.72249139 ryd (or 
>~1165.8eV) for one atom in fcc structure (nat=1 and ibrav=2). How to use this 
>info to get cohesive energy of Ni, which is about 5eV?
>Thanks very much in advance for your help.
>Best regards,
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