[Pw_forum] insufficient virtual memory for a Zn48O48 system!!!!!!!!

Shujun Hu hushujun at mail.sdu.edu.cn
Mon Feb 28 09:47:00 CET 2005

Dear Drs,
I try to do the calculation for a 96-atom system, Zn48O48 (before doping, for the
purpose of comparing). There are totle 864 electrons, 12 for Zn and 6 for O
respectively. And the number of bands is set to be 450. After running the memory.x
system gave such information:
     Program memory    v.2.1.2  starts ...
     Today is 28Feb2005 at 15:49:49
     Estimated Max memory (k-point code): 14690.79Mb
     nonscalable memory =  123.65Mb
        scalable memory = 3654.75Mb
     nonscalable wspace =  148.32Mb
        scalable wspace =10764.07Mb   (diag:10764.07Mb, mix:  287.04Mb)
     Estimates based on 16-byte complex,  8-byte reals,  4-byte integers
As my pc taking only 512M physical momory, I selected "conjugate-gradient
diagonalization" mode. Then i run memory.x again:
     Program memory    v.2.1.2  starts ...
     Today is 28Feb2005 at 15:54:12
     Estimated Max memory (k-point code):  4048.99Mb
     nonscalable memory =   97.94Mb
        scalable memory = 3654.75Mb
     nonscalable wspace =    9.27Mb
        scalable wspace =  287.04Mb   (diag:   23.92Mb, mix:  287.04Mb)
     Estimates based on 16-byte complex,  8-byte reals,  4-byte integers
Then i run pw.x programme. Unfortunately such information appeared:
     threshold for starting DIIS:       0.0010
     reduced basis size:     3
forrtl: severe (41): insufficient virtual memory
Image              PC        Routine            Line        Source
pw.x               082622F4  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
Stack trace terminated abnormally.
Noting that there is insufficient virtual memory (swap partition is working, but
only 2G for Redhat linux), I set up an 5G active swapfile to add to the virtual
memory. But same information appeared as above.
    Maybe such system is too large. I want to know why it cannt work as there is
enough virtual memory. Should i add the physical memory?

    Best wishes

                              Shujun Hu
hushujun at mail.sdu.edu.cn

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