[Pw_forum] Help for reading data
Paolo Giannozzi
giannozz at nest.sns.it
Wed Feb 23 11:48:03 CET 2005
On Tuesday 22 February 2005 19:14, wei luo wrote:
> Now I get the *.dnyG file. But I don't know how to read it and
> identify the Raman vibration mode.
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"make tools" compiles code "dynmat.x" in the pwtools/ directory.
It reads the dynamical matrix file at q=0 and can
- apply the acoustic sum rule, so that you get omega=0 for
translation modes at q=0
- add the non-analytical terms that are responsible for the TO-LO
splitting, calculate IR cross sections (provided that the dynamical
matrix file contains the effective charges, option "epsil=.true." in ph.x)
- produce a file with eigendisplacements that can be directly plotted
by "molden"
- Raman cross sections can also be calculated but it is much trickier
It shouldn't be difficult to classify phonon modes in a 8-atom system.
In any case, the bunch of numbers following each frequency are, for
each atom: Re(u_x) Im(u_x) Re(u_y) Im(u_y) Re(u_z) Im(u_z), where u
is the normalized eigendisplacement. The imaginary terms are obviously
zero for q=0
Paolo Giannozzi e-mail: giannozz at nest.sns.it
Scuola Normale Superiore Phone: +39/050-509876, Fax:-563513
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7 I-56126 Pisa, Italy
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