[Pw_forum] parallel ph.x in Opteron

wlyim at puccini.che.pitt.edu wlyim at puccini.che.pitt.edu
Fri Feb 11 17:00:49 CET 2005

Dear PWSCF community,

Recently I updated pwscf to version 2.1.2 into Opteron cluster using PGI
5.1 compiler. The serial version of pw.x and ph.x seemed ok. The job can
be finished without error. 

I have also the parallel verion. In parallel run, pw.x is working, 
however, I got some error by parallel ph.x. I have compiled the parallel 
program with lam.7.1.1 and mpich.1.2.6, both of them gave the same error 

     Program PHONON    v.2.1.2  starts ...
     Today is 11Feb2005 at 16:58:21 

     Parallel version (MPI)

     Number of processors in use:       2
     R & G space division:  nprocp =    2

     Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials

     Reading file xe.save ... 
     read complete

     Reading file xe.save ... 
     read complete

     Planes per process (thick) : nr3 = 45 npp =  23 ncplane = 2025

 Proc/  planes cols    G   planes cols    G    columns  G
 Pool       (dense grid)      (smooth grid)   (wavefct grid)
  1     23    672  16322   23    672  16322  189   2513
  2     22    673  16325   22    673  16325  190   2516
  0     45   1345  32647   45   1345  32647  379   5029

     nbndx  =     4  nbnd   =     4  natomwfc =     4  npwx   =    2045
     nelec  =    8.00 nkb   =     1  ngl    =     332
0: DEALLOCATE: memory at 439d1440 not allocated
One of the processes started by mpirun has exited with a nonzero exit
code.  This typically indicates that the process finished in error.
If your process did not finish in error, be sure to include a "return
0" or "exit(0)" in your C code before exiting the application.

PID 19789 failed on node n0 ( with exit status 1.

Can anyone have similar problem? I will be very happy if anyone can help 
me to solve this problem.

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,
William Yim

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