[Pw_forum] Can I get pw.x and memory.x for my linux pc cluster

Abdelouahab O. aouahab at yahoo.fr
Sun Feb 6 10:46:29 CET 2005

Hello ALL
I have a pc linux cluster with ifort8.0, mkl7.2, and
LAM7.0.6: the parallel compilation cant be finilized
usin g the -D__LAM -D__PARA, the error apppers when
compiling broadcast.f90, when I remove -D__PARA, no
erros but the run is not performed in parallel, and
the lam says that it  seems that the programm runnig
under lam does no call mpi_init or (some thing like
that). What is the solution to this problem?
Université de OUARGLA


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