[Pw_forum] problem with ph.x

Konzern pwscfklt at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 16:19:33 CET 2005

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use the ph.x of espresso 3.0 to do some calculations
concerning phonons.
However, when I tried to run the example in example06, something unexpected
There was no problem with pw.x, the scf finished very soon.  But when it
turned to phonon
calculations, the porgram seemed to be idle after generating alas.dyn2.

I am running the program with 4 cpus; the ph.x has been idle for more than
10 hours.

Attached is all the related files.

Any idea? Thank you.

Besides, I found that there is some problem to run pp.x by mpirun. When I
use 2 cpus, the
program also idled, while with 1 cpu, there is no problem.


sorry, forgot the attachment just now.
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