[Pw_forum] About maximally localized wannier function
Nicola Marzari
marzari at MIT.EDU
Sat Aug 27 17:17:09 CEST 2005
Dear Silviu,
this is an interesting suggestion. The good thing about the
Gamma-sampling CP code algorithm is that it will always lead to
the true minimum of the localization functional, as long as a
cubic/tetragonal/orthorombic cells are used (i.e. derivatives are
calculated with 3 orthogonal G vectors). Depending on your application,
this could be very important or irrelevant - the more the system is
large and disordered, the more it becomes useful/essential.
Another advantage is that the CP/Wannier subroutines work with ultrasoft
pseudopotentials, although this capability is forthcoming in
wannier-transport.org and wannier.org .
The regular k-point wannier codes use instead trial projection orbitals
(very straightforward ones - usually one specifies the center of a
gaussian, and the l,m of a spherical harmonics) to start the
minimization already in the right basin of attraction. This
approach works again very well in most cases - to the point that some
groups just use these projections, without localization, to get
localized WFs (I think, e.g., Pickett's group).
As a last note - if you use CP, your sampling can be "poor" if you have
a smallish unit cell. On the other hand, if you use PWSCF to feed CP,
you can make your charge density as good as you want it, sampling-wise.
Then, the only finite-size errors remaining will be on the calculation
of the MLWFs themselves, that, using CP, will only combine states
obtained at Gamma, instead of using all the Brillouin zone.
Silviu Zilberman wrote:
> Dear Xianghjun,
> MLWF are implemented in the CP code. I believe that the latest cvs
> version has compatible restart files, which means you could use any
> PWSCF calculation result as an input to a CP Wannier calculation. This
> compatibility has only been introduced recently, and it may still be
> unstable. You could also take the geometry from your PW calculation and
> start a CP calculation from scratch and minimize the wavefunction using
> Wannier dynamics. Look at the INPUT_CP file for more details, as well as
> example #23.
> Silviu.
> xianghjun wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am trying to get MLWF for some systems and want to know if MLWF has
>> been implemented in PWSCF.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Best regards,
>> xianghjun
>> =============================================================
>> H. J. Xiang
>> Ph.D. Candidate,
>> Hefei National Laboratory For Physical Sciences at Microscale,
>> University of Science and Technology of China,
>> Hefei, Anhui, 230026,
>> People's Republic of China
>> Tel.: 86-551-3606428
>> Fax.: 86-551-3602969
>> E-mail: xhongjun at mail.ustc.edu.cn
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Prof Nicola Marzari Department of Materials Science and Engineering
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