[Pw_forum] 'etot_conv_thr' and 'forc_conv_thr' in the vc-relax calculation

carlo sbraccia sbraccia at sissa.it
Mon Aug 22 13:28:21 CEST 2005

Dear Shujun Hu,

from the file Doc/INPUT_PW (where all the input keywords are documented):

etot_conv_thr  REAL ( default = 1.0D-4 )
               convergence threshold on total energy (a.u) for ionic
               minimization: the convergence criterion is satisfied
               when the total energy changes less than etot_conv_thr
               between two consecutive scf steps.
               See also forc_conv_thr - both criteria must be satisfied

forc_conv_thr  REAL ( default = 1.0D-3 )
               convergence threshold on forces (a.u) for ionic
               minimization: the convergence criterion is satisfied
               when all components of all forces are smaller than
               See also etot_conv_thr - both criteria must be satisfied


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