[Pw_forum] Whirlgif

Mahmoud Payami mpayami at aeoi.org.ir
Mon Nov 29 15:50:09 CET 2004

my "whirlgif" is also in /usr/bin   so i did not change the custom-defs.
I obtain a lot (say some 10) of gif files named anim-x.gif (x=0,1,2,3,..) 
using the arrow key pointing to the right and clicking repeatedly until it 
shows "slide 21/21". Then by stopping, i enter a name which creates a large 
file (about 8 MB) with name we enter in the process of saving.
However, I do not know how to run animation.
Best regards,

> I would need more description of problem in order to help you.
>> Does it need any elaboration  or just clicking the buttons should work?
> You should edit the $HOME/.xcrysden/custom-definitions file and
> defined the whirlgif as follows:
> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #  With "whirlgif" program XCRYSDEN can create an Animated-GIF image
> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> set xcMisc(whirlgif) /usr/bin/whirlgif
> On my computer whirlgif is in /usr/bin, you should replace /usr/bin
> with your path of whirlgif.
> Regards, Tone
> -- 
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