[Pw_forum] compilation error

A Sen asen at iitk.ac.in
Mon Nov 29 13:50:12 CET 2004

Dear Friends,
         While trying to compile the ESPRESSO package I came across the
following errors:

MODULE complex_diis_module
f90-855 f90: ERROR COMPLEX_DIIS_MODULE, File = complex_diis_module.f90,
Line = 24, Column = 8
  The compiler has detected errors in module "COMPLEX_DIIS_MODULE".  No
module information file will be created for this module.

            FORALL( ib = 1: nbnd, ( .NOT. conv(ib) ) )
f90-197 f90: ERROR INIT_STEPS, File = complex_diis_module.f90, Line = 339,
Column = 35
  Unexpected syntax: "index-name or mask expression" was expected but
found "(".
            END FORALL
f90-289 f90: ERROR INIT_STEPS, File = complex_diis_module.f90, Line = 343,
Column = 13
  This END FORALL statement has no matching FORALL statement.

         FORALL( ib = 1: nbnd_diis, ( .NOT. conv(ib) ) )
f90-197 f90: ERROR DIIS_WITH_ORTHO, File = complex_diis_module.f90, Line =
Column = 37
  Unexpected syntax: "index-name or mask expression" was expected but
found "(".
         END FORALL
f90-289 f90: ERROR DIIS_WITH_ORTHO, File = complex_diis_module.f90, Line =
Column = 10
  This END FORALL statement has no matching FORALL statement.

f90: MIPSpro Fortran 90 Version 7.3  (f52) Mon Nov 29, 2004  17:31:27
f90: 1189 source lines
f90: 5 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Other message(s), 0 ANSI(s)
cf90: "explain cf90-message number" gives more information about each message
*** Error code 2 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)

I would greatly appreciate if you kindly help me detect as to where I was
specifically wrong in the compilation of the ESPRESSO package.

With regards,
A. Sen

Arijit Sen, PhD                 | Tel:            +91-5122597092
Research Associate              | Fax:            +91-5122590914
480,Faculty Building            | Mobile:         +91-9935388842
Department of Physics           | Email:         asen at iitk.ac.in
Indian Institute of Technology  |            dr_asen at yahoo.co.in
Kanpur 208016, INDIA            |        Dr.Arijit.Sen at gmail.com

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