[Pw_forum] error with SGI irix6.5
Yi Kong
yi.kong at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 08:20:51 CET 2004
Dear all,
I met a problem when I compiled the PWSCF at a SGI irix6.5
workstation. The configure can find the needed libraries as following:
LIBS=-lmpi -L/disk/usr/kongy/fftw/lib -lfftw -lcomplib.sgimath
But when I compile, the PWSCF stopped with the following
error messages:
********************** error messages********************************
test -d bin || mkdir bin
( cd Modules; make all )
f90 -mips4 -64 -O2 -r10000 -r8 -I. -I../include -I../Modules
-I../PW -I../PH -I/disk/usr/kongy/fftw/include -cpp -D__SGI -D__SGI64
-D__ORIGIN -D__MPI -D__PARA -D__FFTW -c path_base.f90
MODULE path_base
f90-855 mfef90: ERROR PATH_BASE, File = path_base.f90, Line = 11, Column = 8
The compiler has detected errors in module "PATH_BASE". No module
information file will be created for this module.
FORALL( mode = 1 : num_of_modes )
f90-113 mfef90: ERROR INITIALIZE_PATH, File = path_base.f90, Line =
153, Column = 10
IMPLICIT NONE is specified in the local scope, therefore an explicit
type must be specified for data object "FORALL".
f90-508 mfef90: ERROR INITIALIZE_PATH, File = path_base.f90, Line =
153, Column = 10
The parent-string of a substring reference must be of type character.
f90-186 mfef90: ERROR INITIALIZE_PATH, File = path_base.f90, Line =
157, Column = 14
Unexpected syntax: Expecting "IF" to follow the END keyword, but
found "FORALL".
FORALL( i = 1: ( input_images - 1 ) )
f90-508 mfef90: ERROR INITIALIZE_PATH, File = path_base.f90, Line =
234, Column = 10
The parent-string of a substring reference must be of type character.
f90-186 mfef90: ERROR INITIALIZE_PATH, File = path_base.f90, Line =
238, Column = 14
Unexpected syntax: Expecting "IF" to follow the END keyword, but
found "FORALL".
f90: MIPSpro Fortran 90 Version 7.2.1 (f39) Tue Nov 16, 2004 04:40:29
f90: 1643 source lines
f90: 6 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Other message(s), 0 ANSI(s)
*** Error code 2 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
********************* end **************************
I don't know how to solve this problem, any suggestion is welcome!
best regards
Yi Kong
Yi Kong
Department of MSE
Tsinghua University
PR China, 100084
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