[Pw_forum] compiling on IBM PPC970

Mickael Profeta profeta at sissa.it
Wed Jul 28 13:21:23 CEST 2004


>  I try to compile PW code on IBM PPC970 SMP cluster, using xlf90 fortran (8.1 version), gcc , essl library and mpich- The OS is Suse Linux. I use the Makefile for ibmsp configuration and made some changes. Because I have not any experience with IBM I have a problems.

which version of PW are you compiling? in the last version, the 
configure script should do all the job for you...

> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-suse-linux/3.2.2/../../../libessl.so: undefined reference to `pthread_once'
> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-suse-linux/3.2.2/../../../libessl.so: undefined reference to `_xlf_create_threadlocal'

you should link againt libpthread

> make[1]: *** [memory.x] Error 1
> It seems there are problems with LAPACK library. But I use the ESSL library. Does this library contain LAPACK?

no, essl implement part of lapack and with another API, so you should 
link also with lapack.

> And another. In all makefiles for ibm machine I did not find  anything for parallel version. When I added in CPP flags -D__MPI -D__PARA such for other clusters I got a warning that these flags are not recognized. So, How to compile a parallel version?

if you can, use the configure script, should solve all the problems. 
depending on your architecture, to compile parallel version, you should 
use a wrapper for the compiler, like mpi_f77 or something like that.


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