[Pw_forum] Reading input file in MPI version (Linux cluster)
Carlo Sbraccia
sbraccia at sissa.it
Mon Jul 26 15:13:02 CEST 2004
Dear Sergey,
you have simply to run the pw.x executable in this way:
pw.x -input input_file > output_file .or.
pw.x -inp input_file > output_file .or.
pw.x -in input_file > output_file
Let me know if it doesn't work.
carlo sbraccia
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004, Sergei Lisenkov wrote:
> Dear PWscf authors and users,
> I have a problem with running PWscf code on PC Linux cluster with SCALI MPI. In this implementation pw.x code cannot read input file. I asked of system people of this cluster but they could not suggest anything. I tried a different input keys such "-stdin" but it does't helps. It seems that in such mpi mode system cannot read the input file using "<" command. But other programs requested input file without such sign (i.e. mpirun -np 4 ./a.x input ) does work.
> Because system people cannot help me I think about changing of procedure of input. Is it possible to rewrite something in the source code that code could work such "./pw.x input" ? Or there are other solutions?
> Thanks a lot,
> Best wishes,
> Sergey
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