[Pw_forum] neb_routines.f90

Paolo Giannozzi giannozz at nest.sns.it
Thu Jul 22 12:23:18 CEST 2004

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Erik Santiso wrote:

> I've been having some trouble compiling the newest version of pwscf on
> both a Linux machine with ifc and an SGI with PGI. The compiler seems to
> be having trouble when compiling neb_routines.f90, because the variable
> nat is called both from module 'basis' and module 'input_parameters'.
> Is this the way it was intended to be

no, it isn't

> or should it rather be 'USE basis, ONLY: nat', removing nat from line 33?

correct. This problem was previously remarked and fixed in the
version under development, but not in the stable version (sorry)


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