[Pw_forum] Allocation memory

BOUYER Frédéric 153746 FB153746 at ATIL.CEA.FR
Tue Jul 20 10:30:22 CEST 2004

Dear PWscf users,
A particular job (on our NEC) with few atoms stops immediately after few
minutes, and the error is the following :
194 Could not allocate in ALLOCATE PROG=allocate_nlpot ELN=186(400016768)
     Called from init_run ELN=31(40010145c)
     Called from pwscf ELN=82(4000001154)
An other one stops with the error :
194 Could not allocate in ALLOCATE PROG=wfcinit.wfcinit_k ELN=365(...)
      Called from wfcinit ELN=125 (...)
      Called from init_run ELN=42 (...)
      Called from pwscf ELN=82 (...)
Does anybody can help me to pass the jobs ? Do I have to change something in
the parameter.f90 file, or somewhere else ?
Many thanks in advance,
Frédéric Bouyer
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